Why would you want to be an HNLP Practitioner?

Becoming a qualified HNLP Practitioner is an incredibly rewarding achievement. HNLP training equips you with the right tools to help your clients make the creative and positive changes they need.

HNLP training provides you with powerful techniques and insights that will assist in your ongoing personal and professional self-development.

If you wish to learn new mental skills and techniques that will open doors and increase opportunities for a more inspirational and fulfilling future? That means your on the right page.

About  me... Your trainer

Why Cliff Partridge?

Well I have been teaching NLP and Hypnotherapy for the last 18 years. I am a certified  HNLP/Hypnotherapy Trainer and ANLP Trainers member. ANLP is the largest independent NLP accreditation body in the world.


                                                                           Why would you want to learn about this?

Filters of the mind
Meta model



 The map Is not the territory

 Unconscious eye patterns


                     Presuppositions of NLP

                      NLP communication model


Why would this be the right course for you?

call now  07837 751527

When it comes to you getting exactly what you want from your training, we will do our best to tailor our training to your personal needs. If you are, for example, a teacher or a therapist, an artist or a doctor, a concerned parent or even a foster parent, we will look at your specific needs and carefully consider what is the right training for you.

Cliff Partridge

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